How to Reset Car Bluetooth and More Useful Tips
Having access to Bluetooth in your vehicle can be exciting, especially if it’s a new feature for you. However exciting it may be, you can often find that the feature doesn’t work quite as well as you would hope. Does your phone keep getting disconnected? Or is it stuck on a connection that you can’t use anymore? One of the first steps to take towards fixing your Bluetooth should be to reset it. But how does one even accomplish that? We know that dealing with Bluetooth can be confusing, and that’s exactly why we’ve put this guide together. Take a look below and you’ll learn how to reset car Bluetooth, as well as some other tips that you may fine useful over the lifespan of your vehicle.
How to Reset Car Bluetooth
The most common issue we hear from drivers is that their phone won’t connect to the car via Bluetooth. For that issue, the first thing we’d recommend trying is resetting the Bluetooth both on your phone and in your vehicle. The exact steps you’ll have to take depends on the exact touchscreen system you’re working with, and they vary greatly from vehicle to vehicle. However, the basic steps should be close to the same.
You’re going to want to delete the profile for your phone from the system. If possible, you may even want to delete all the profiles on the car, as old unnecessary profiles could be clogging up information on the vehicle’s computer. To do this, make your way to the screen where you would attempt to pair your phone to the vehicle. Here you should see some profiles representing different phones that have connected to the system. There should be some sort of options button here, or something that allows you to delete profiles.
For many vehicles, this is how to reset car Bluetooth. However, so vehicles may have you go a step further to fully de-activate Bluetooth. Look into the system or settings menu and see if you spot any options to turn off or reset Bluetooth. If you do, go ahead and do that. Wait a minute and then turn it back on.
As for resetting the Bluetooth on your phone, it will again vary from device to device. Most phones should allow you to simply delete the pairing from your list of Bluetooth devices and it should be as simple as that.
After doing all of this, you should attempt to re-connect your phone to the car. If luck is on your side, everything should go smoothly! If not… well, you may need to keep trying some different troubleshooting methods.

Connecting Your Phone Via Bluetooth: The Basics
Do you need some assistance with connecting your phone? We can help you out. As with any of these features, the specifics will differ from device to device. Once again, though, the simple basics should stay close to the same. On your phone, go into your settings and locate the Bluetooth menu. First make sure the feature is turned on. From there, you should see any devices you’ve connected with before (if you have used the feature in the past). Below that, there should be a list that says something along the lines of “Available Connections” or “Available Devices.” If the Bluetooth in your car is turned on, you should see the name of the system there, allowing you to connect.
For most modern vehicles, that’s all you’ll need to do to connect. Some older models may display a code that you’ll have to input on your phone, or something along those lines. If you run into trouble beyond this, you may want to do some additional troubleshooting to find out what the cause is. However, for most folks, this should be the only step you need to take to play music, connect your phone to the vehicle’s speakers, and much more.
Vehicle-Specific Information – Check User Manual
If something in these directions doesn’t match up with your vehicle or display system, we encourage you to read through the owner’s manual. If it’s the original setup from the factory, you should find all the information you need there. However, if your vehicle features a custom setup with an aftermarket radio or touchscreen, you’ll probably have to look online to find the manual. Once you do track it down, you should still have access to all the information you need to connect your phone to the device. It should even tell you how to reset Bluetooth if you’re having trouble with that.

Advanced Tips & Tricks for Bluetooth Pairing
Sometimes, the regular process of connecting your phone just isn’t working. In this next section, we want to offer up a couple more suggestions to try out before getting too frustrated. As technology continues to advance, the process of Bluetooth pairing is getting better. That being said, there’s no denying there are still a number of kinks to work out. Give these last few tips a try, and let us know how they work for you. If you’re still having problems, we recommend getting in touch with the manufacturer. There’s a chance your device may be faulty, and that problem can’t be fixed on your own. For now, try these tips and see if they work out for you.
Turn Off Bluetooth Scanning
Some devices, particularly Android phones, have a feature known as Bluetooth scanning. In some situations, the feature can be useful. However, you don’t need it to pair your phone with your vehicle. Additionally, it can even clog up the signal, making it more difficult to stay connected. Turn this feature off if you’re having trouble connecting your phone to your vehicle via Bluetooth. For many folks, this will stop them from having to constantly reconnect while they’re trying to get to their destination. Hopefully this ensures a smooth connection for your device moving forward, so you won’t have to spend precious time fiddling with it any time you want to drive somewhere.

Don’t Connect to Too Many Devices at One Time
One problem that some people run into is that either their vehicle or their phone is paired with too many devices. Go through your Bluetooth menus and clear out some of the connections that aren’t being used. This will free up some memory on the computer, ensuring it has more focus to put towards the main connection you want. This can be especially useful if you’re having problems on your phone. It’s easy to gather a number of Bluetooth connections over time, from headphones to speakers and so much more. By clearing these out once in a while, it keeps space open for new connections. You may not even have to learn how to reset car Bluetooth if you keep your connections minimal!
Visit Ultimate Rides for Interior Upgrades and More
Are you tired of dealing with your old Bluetooth system? Maybe your current vehicle doesn’t have one at all, and you’re looking for a team to install one. We also have plenty of new vehicles to offer with advanced touchscreen systems available. Whatever it is you’re looking for, we’re confident Ultimate Rides can find it for you. If not, we’ll build it from scratch!
We’re a custom auto dealer located in Coal City, IL. That’s about an hour south of Chicago. However, our business isn’t just limited to drivers in our area. We offer delivery for custom vehicles all across the country. Plus, with the ability to include the cost of shipping in your financing deal, we make it affordable to ship no matter where you live.
Each customer also have the ability to customize any one of our vehicles before we send it out. Our service center team offers a huge list of upgrades and services, and we specialize in offering suspension lifts. Get in touch with us today to learn how we can help you build the truck of your dreams. You can reach Ultimate Rides at 815-634-3900, or come and see us at 38 W. Division St., Coal City, IL 60416.
Two Brothers With a Dream, Building The Best Ultimate Rides
Ultimate Rides consists of two brothers who have been buying and selling custom vehicles for over ten years. Selling lifted trucks by day and writing these awesome reviews by night! They started their Ultimate Rides journey with a third brother Jake, who was a big part of building the business they have today. In 2016 Jake passed away and losing their brother was the hardest thing they ever had to deal with. Even though they had a tragic loss they plan to continue to set a new trend for the auto industry, keeping customers number one. Pushing the envelope on the lifted truck market, these guys love researching and learning about everything in the auto industry!
— Nick and Alex Bulanda, Founders of Ultimate Rides